среда, 17 октября 2012 г.

How like a man?

 How like a man? The answer to this question is not so complicated. Simply, you have to stand in somebody else's point of view, after this thought possible flow you have one for the other.
        Well, to make it easier to meditate, I suggest you a few points to think about how to please a man. Is it possible to say obvious things by which we may come sometimes to not absolutely obvious things.

 Firstly, the question is, how like a man? Obvious, isn't it? Where is it written that it was necessary to please the other women, girls, friends? No, it was not written.
       However, when it comes to the real actions, which should lead to please man, it is almost always the woman begins to act on the assumption that a man like the same thing, and that she herself, her friends and acquaintances women. About men think in the last place, although sometimes this goal declared as the most-the most important. We sort of do everything in order to please the man and keep a man.
      For example, a girl/woman is very like a man and she wants to make a good impression on him, and later marry him. Great desire. Now let's see how it is embodied in life. Not in conversations with friends, that: «I am ready for anything, I so love him, the team at the end of the world for him to go and live with the beloved in a tent».

      Total: appearance. Apparently will not be a discoverer, if I say that 90 % of the women dress, makeup, etc. based on the fact that they like, or other women, but not men. Who do you ask advice about the makeup and clothes. With men? I doubt it. As a rule, tips come from friends, mothers, sellers of women, or from women's magazines, and TV programs, which are women.
      But the men of the other! They have the taste of no better and no worse, their taste is different. They don't like or at least not interested in what you can spend half of his salary and a lot of time. And on the contrary, it is interesting what you may not be giving special attention. A lot of beauty in General, you can emphasize going to the woman's website.
         The Council of Dale Carnegie about that: «You can have the cake and if you go on a fishing trip, take in fish, worms, on which you can not watch», has not lost its relevance. Therefore, if you want to please man, then you will need to learn to look for this differently and behave differently. Sometimes these tips may seem to you quite wild. Don't reject them outright only on this basis.
 And of course, it was, of course, is not only and not so much about appearance. If you look at their behavior from the point of view of the question: «How like a man», it is possible that you will behave quite differently.
       For example, straightforwardness of men and lack of insight. Some of the women «speak» to your partner, what they wanted of him. The woman, they would be understood immediately. Man, as a rule, does not understand anything. Sometimes it is better to say at the first meeting, «Dear, take your hands. I - «for» sex, but I'm a Woman and first for me need to change», the hint, twirl around and around, offended, to be silent, to terminate the relationship, etc. And it's not rude (for men). And women, who themselves are respected, valued and able to directly tell about their needs, like the men in 5 times more. Well, there would recommend to read the book "How to fall in love with a Man for life? or don't run for a Man, that He may run for You." In it I set forth in detail how to communicate with a man, so that he could understand a woman, how to make a man inspire the feats and a lot of other.

Secondly. Men with classical orientation like women, not men.
      Also, sort of, it is clear to all. And if a woman wants to please a man like a woman, and not as a reliable partner and friend, then it should behave as a woman, and in General be like the woman.
Under this item, women make fewer errors than on the first, where about 90 % are wrong in one way or another, but they are also quite a lot.
      Well, quite a rare example of, but nevertheless. A woman takes and gulp drink a glass of vodka not eating, then lights a cigarette and says anything odd in a gruff voice. Men such a woman can like («your man»), only in the part? In the role of friend and colleague - Yes, in the role of women, for the sake of which you want to perform deeds of love, etc. - hardly.
      Well, and if not so obvious example, it still errors decently. Men love women, who are weaker than them in something and need their help. Precisely in this often manifests the power of women, to manifest iron shutter speed, do nothing and wait, when a man starts to decide and do, and then support him and admire the result, even if at first he was «not very». You can even begin to cry and ask, «what can we do?» and see with a plea for help in his eyes.

In the third. Men do not like failures, especially with women. On the other hand, if only some of luck, then lost interest in the game.
      I think that no one likes to failures in life, be it a woman or a man. But the failure of the women men perceive a particularly painful, often much stronger than failures at work. Here I speak not only and not so much about the failures in sex, how many in the fellowship.
      Hence there follows an obvious conclusion: you should, wherever possible, reduce the number of failures men when interacting with you, but this does not make the game too easy.
     Let us a little bit about the failures. Let's assume you are on some kind of a ball, where are dancing and there were a lot of women and men. Well not on the ball, and at the wedding of friends or a corporate party. Suppose a man comes to you and invites you to dance.      
         You refuse to dance, because you don't like him, or else for some reason. Most likely, it will be a mistake. Why? As I have already said, for the majority of men failures in relationships with women is quite painful. If you have publicly denied the man in the invitation to the dance, then it is for men are very painful injection. Depending on the nature of man may just be offended by you (sometimes unconsciously), and may then, in case you do hurt. He may even forget why he became ill treat you, but the subconscious never forgets. Of course, men are different and some don't need to dance. (very rough, unleashed, etc.) However, if the man you just don't like it, they refuse to dance - it was a mistake.
      By this one action you can amass a small enemy, as well as scare off those men that you like. What I'm saying? If other men see that you are rude deny men, I am not talking about having to pick them up for a laugh, there many of them, out of fear of being rejected, the same will not ask you for a dance.
        On the other hand, do not make a game for men too easy. The same example with a dance. The man was on the first dance to dissolve the hands, all is well. After half an hour Dating invites you to his dinner, you agree. Then on the same day, sex, all is well. And it turns out to men the game was too easy. In fact, she ended, the result has been achieved. Such relationships are rarely developed for a long time, and if developed, it does not provide all those feelings that might give away.
       Not very I get to explain in a couple of paragraphs. But the main idea for the further arguments I have given you. Need on the one hand be as accessible as possible for men. So he is not afraid to come to you to talk, to communicate, to help you. On the other hand, as soon as man enters the game and begins to move for you, then it is necessary that he did not immediately caught you, and ran a little.

 In the fourth. If you want to please man, appreciate the ingenuity of the man with the attentions for you, not his money. This is especially important when caring for you secured or a rich man.
       Remember, how many there are fairy tales, in which the rich man (usually the Prince) is pretending to be poor and begins to look for a bride. How much on this theme is created films. (A more or less popular «Trip to America») how Many families together memories of that when they start a family life, that they did not have even a pot to cook dinner. And for good reason. For all of these stories, movies and stories, there is a great need men. A man wants a woman to love him, not his money, and his achievements, even if it is deservedly proud of. A woman who understands this need men, satisfy her, at once becomes higher than all the contestants.
 The result, what to do? How like a man?
     To do so, to communicate with you it was the most inexpensive in terms of money. Even if your man is quite assured, you will never demand, and not hinted at the need of meetings in expensive restaurants, going on vacation to the Bahamas, expensive gifts, material assistance, etc. Do not tell about their difficult financial situation, a small salary, etc. It is desirable and not to accept expensive gifts, even if they offer, at least in the beginning of the relationship. Chat can be in the Park, the usual cafe, with friends, at work. Have a good time can be rolling on skates, or walking in the woods. Of course, not necessary to bring to the point of absurdity, if a man wants to give flowers, candy, brings with it the fruit, wants to invite you to the movies, etc., it is not necessary to refuse. And on the contrary, encourage creativity in courtship and romance. And if married, the money the man you and so will give.
      If not simplistic, while for men there are two types of extreme relationship is love and prostitution. If a man constantly gives you the money, the car, the expensive jewelry, or something else, then it is not love. He just spends the money, and in return receives a woman. Such relationships are rarely end with the wedding, except in cases of large age difference. I have nothing against such relations, but this is usually not what the woman wants.
       The other type of relationship is love, the love of men, respect for his beloved, etc. In this case, a man wants to win the woman, to make her many feats. These exploits can also cost a huge amount of money, but the money is spent on feats, and had not been given in one form or another woman. This distinction, in my opinion, fundamentally.
       A small example from the film «Pride and prejudice». One of the main characters of this film " Mr. Darcy, was in love with Elizabeth. When she had had a very difficult situation, that Mr. Darcy did not came up to her and said, «Here, you keep the money on them, you decide all the questions.» Yes it would, respectively, and are not taken. He spent money at the problem, but I did everything to his beloved about it do not know. It is another. Here the money not spent at the woman, and the heroic deeds for the sake of women.
       What is the ingenuity of the men in courtship? This may be ingenuity to find you. This may be perseverance in courtship. This may be inventing something funny thing a woman. This may be of help in solving your problems, which require reflection, time, or courage.

Let us summarize the results. Like a man is usually quite simple. To do this:
         "do what you like men, and not women. Always proceed from the assumption that men like is not the same as women. Most of you are surprised to find that it is almost always so; 
         "don't try to be like the men, on the contrary, take female traits;
          - make it so that the men had with you «safe» to communicate;
           - do not finish the game too quickly;
          - in the beginning of a relationship do not accept expensive gifts and don't settle for expensive entertainment.
         Of course, I did not set itself the aim of bringing the exhaustive list of rules about how to please a man. Rather, I brought these rules as a basis for further reflection. In addition, of course there is more extensive and the most important layer of the personal growth of women. If a woman grows, as the person becomes more confident, she has Hobbies, she knows how to listen and etc., it definitely more interesting. But about this in other articles.

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