понедельник, 1 октября 2012 г.

How to lose weight on the system bodyflex

Bodyflex - this is a universal method by which you can lose weight and feel better with the help of force exercises, based on proper breathing. Due to the special postures and exercises together with the blood of oxygen is delivered to the place of voltage and dissolves actively fats, but also tones the muscles and removes toxins from the body. Because oxygen - burner, and fats fuel. Bodyflex includes two parts: respiratory gymnastics (helps to lose weight during exercise) and strength training (body continues to lose weight in a quiescent state). The appetite is not increased. No need to stick to any diet. Restriction in food can lead only to a slow metabolism, and the lessons it aimed to disperse it. Daily activities breathing and abdominal retraction contribute to a strong decrease in the volume of the stomach, which in fact will allow to eat less in one meal. Exercise is recommended to carry out in the morning on an empty stomach. If the body mass is large enough, the classes can be carried out and in the evening (not eat for 2 hours before training). Training should take 25 minutes. In the system of bodyflex there are contra-indications: fever, pregnancy, glaucoma, bleeding, high blood pressure).

Here are a few of the exercises:

1. The diamond. Take position: stand up straight, feet, put on the width of the shoulders. Before a hand closed in a circle. Elbows kept high, the tips of his fingers . Do a breathing exercise: draw in the stomach, take the primary position. Main position: strong leaned his fingers in each other. Hold the voltage of up to 8. Release the breath. Perform 3-5 times.

As strengthen the muscles of the thighs.

Many women think that if they had given the nature of the strong, firm and shapely legs, they do not need to perform special exercises, run, pedaling the bike. But it is a wrong opinion. Beautiful and healthy feet should be constantly maintained. Should Jogging, fitness, swimming and others. If this is not done, the muscles of the legs may become weak, the skin loses elasticity, and the result will be a cellulite. Therefore, without the exercise will not do for those who have slender and beautiful legs, and those who seek to improve them.

Before you begin the exercises, you need to perform a warm-up for the muscles of the legs:
 - take a massage, massage the hips in a circular motion;
 - massage caviar;
 - massage your feet, make a couple of rapids from heel to toe.
 Energetic massage will prepare his feet to the exercises, and after a warm-up, you can proceed to the main complex.

1. The relief muscles
 Lie on your back, pull his hands along the body, bend your right leg, left, up, not straighten the knee completely. Lift the back and buttocks, relying on his right leg, stomach in. See in front of him. Lower slowly down the left leg, not touching the floor. Sock extended. Return to the original position. Repeat up to 10 times. To change the leg. Doing exercise, do not lower chin on his chest. Exercise strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, hips and back.

2. Training buttocks
 Get up on his knees, forearms are on the floor, his fingers are connected. Bend your left leg and raise up (sock omitted). Look in front of him. Breathe calmly and deeply. The muscles of the raised leg tense, slowly bending the legs. Repeat 20 times. Change feet. Being worked out the back of the thighs and buttock muscles.

The diet in the sign of the zodiac

Diet for Aries.
 Aries stubborn and impatient. They are endowed with a will of iron, therefore easily take any diet. Aries useful for a variety of cereals, fish, carrots, cabbage, greens, celery, beets, and radishes. It is advisable to limit your diet in the coffee, spicy and salty food, alcohol, animal fats.

Diet for Calf.
 The bulls slow metabolism, which is the cause of the increased weight. Have this sign in the diet should include bran, cereals, fruits, vegetables. Calves should not be eaten in large quantities bakery products and animal fats. Food should be rich in vitamins A, E and iodine.

Diet for Twins.
 The twins practically are not inclined to completeness. But some suffer from allergies, for example on seafood. For this sign is suitable milk diet. It is useful to increase the use of products containing vitamins of b group.

Diet for Cancer.
 Crayfish is frequently found a violation of water-salt balance. Useful бессолевые diet. Help to herbal teas, low-fat dairy products.

Diet for Bob.
 Lions long speculated and choose a diet. But if you put a goal, a good result is guaranteed. They are useful diet, which include proteins and vitamins C and E (nuts, meat, poultry, vegetable marrows, citruses, bran).

Diet for a virgin.
 For Virgo is to protect the state of the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. Virgins it is desirable to avoid a heavy meal. Useful products: boiled vegetables, cottage cheese, cheese, stewed vegetables. Suitable cabbage and Apple diet.

Diet for Balance.

Essential oils can return to the youth of the skin


The essential oil of rose is considered to be valuable because of the rose has a strong anti-aging effect, improves the synthesis of elastin and collagen, smooths wrinkles. Pink aromatic oil is an aphrodisiac, emphasizes women's attractiveness, returns the youth of the skin. 

Massage mixture: 55 ml avocado, 55 ml wheat germ, 55 ml jojoba, 25 drops of incense, 25 drops of rose, 25 drops of neroli.

2. Tea tree

Oil of tea tree contains anti-virus, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial components. It good on acne. Tea tree excellent cares about the problem and oily skin, therefore, is added to many masks and creams.

For problem skin bath: 8 drops of tea tree, 4 litres of hot water, 4 drops of mint.

3. Sandalwood

Problems when using cosmetics.

Content of chemical substances in cosmetics, may have an adverse effect on the skin. In the area of the skin of the face and head, often skin reactions, caused by the use of cosmetics. The excessive use of cosmetics can also influence or even damage the skin, not working as it should.

Chemicals in cosmetics, can cause:

Allergic reactions:

If someone have some sort of experience in the reactions to cosmetics, he knows that the skin becomes red, itching or at all may tumor. The affected areas (especially the eyes and ears, as well as the neck, armpit) when using deodorant can also unpleasant to respond to cosmetics.

The initial reaction of the stimulus:

After using cosmetics on the place of application may appear red spots, rash, sometimes even blisters. In such cases, please wash away all the makeup and immediately go to a dermatologist. In such situations do not try to disguise the damaged areas of cosmetics.

How to beautiful walk

The ability to beautifully walk makes a woman a slimmer and visually above. But unfortunately, many women are completely draw your attention to the way they walk, they have a gait. Some people go small steps, others on the contrary make big steps, that makes the kind of heavy gait, and the third раскачивающая gait, resembling the gait of seafarers, and the fourth - with bent knees because of high heels.

                And how beautiful to walk? Beautiful gait - this is when the foot with the toe out, the steps are of medium length and start from the hips, lower back a little forward, smart stomach, back be sure to direct and not tense, raised his head. The steps foot разгибается in the knee, first the heel is placed on the ground, and then to all the heel and toe, repulsion and then tap his feet forward. The gait should be a light, slightly giving forward torso.

                Walk with your head down, heavy steps and bent over, looks ugly, and shows lack of confidence in themselves and vital passivity.

                The ability to beautiful to walk in the first place depends on how you hold back and head, as a foot, how to move your hands and body, as well as a Shoe - convenient or not, wearing whether according to the season. Very narrow shoes makes walking painful, changes visually foot, on a flat-soled shoes - casual and sprawling. Therefore, make your choice in the shoes of the average heel. Walk through this bot will be a light, energetic and spring.

As on his stomach tighten the skin

As on his stomach tighten the skin
 If you do not have extra pounds, but my stomach still looks horrible. Everything is clear: the skin on the abdomen of the lost tone. To restore the elasticity and smoothness, will have to exert a lot of effort.


Be sure to turn on the menu at its protein products as animal origin (fish and meat) and plant (soy and legumes). The products quickly drew the skin, and подкачаются muscles. Provide yourself with all the necessary vitamins: C - a growing development of collagen (parsley, kiwifruit, citrus fruit, sweet peppers), E - strengthening of the cell membrane (liver, nuts, egg yolks, spinach). Also add the menu fatty fish and vegetable oils. From early fading protect selenium (olives, buckwheat and oatmeal, sea cabbage), zinc (mushrooms, herring, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and legumes), beta-carotene (green lettuce, vegetables and fruit orange color).