For the beginning to find out the color of the eyes, and the shadows that can match them.
Gray eyes are the most appropriate green, blue, blue and all kinds of shadows, but not shades of gray, like the eyes. Remember, do not apply the shadows that match the color of Your eyes!!! Brown eyes, we offer gold, dark-brown, blue, purple, and also the coral shadows. If you want to make yourself look more playful and lively, apply for ever beige and pink shade.
For blue eyes are more suitable gold, peach, brown and purple shadows. To emphasize the natural beauty, apply purple and pink shade. To emphasize green eyes, we propose to apply the shades of purple, blue, brown and purple colors.
For the eyes of the non-uniform color, you need to cast shadows that make you want for Your color. You can of course combine these colors.
To correctly apply makeup, you need beginning with the light shadows and ending with the already very dark colors. For the application of shadows in several stages begin always with light shadows from the inner corner of Your eyes. Center eye to paint in a neutral tone, but the outside corner of накрасьте the darkest color.
To properly apply a light shade need a large brush. These shadows are applied only on the eyelid eyes, or the period of centuries and eyebrows. Shadows caused from the inner to the outer. Further you should put the dark ages of the small brush in the crease of the century and how to feather flat brush, it should be done in the direction upwards, no matter what remained of leased lines.
To gaze became more expressive need a little light shadows on the inner corner of the eyes, and a little dark on the outside edge. Remember a little subtleties. The bright eyes in any case, do not apply the dark shadows, eyes just feel lost, and will look terrible, dark eyes, do not apply the light shade. Such measure, and make-up You will always make a beautiful and attractive.
Of course that would be able to properly apply makeup should be well trained, because this is not one and not two days. Any woman you want to practice, what would she know how to emphasize its beauty only tassels. It is possible, thanks to the advice of our business have You go faster.
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