For a long time it was believed that the main purpose of the women to give birth and raise a child, but sex deal is only for procreation. Therefore, a pregnant woman should not interested in men, and they have it. Many modern couples have a different opinion on this matter and continue to have sex throughout all nine months. However, they also face certain difficulties.
As for women, and for men pregnant and sex differ significantly from each other. Future mothers react differently to attempts to her husband fulfill his marital obligations. Some have even greater desire and sometimes bring men to the point of exhaustion. And others try to evade its responsibilities of spouses or go on about the beloved but to all kind of show that doing you a favor.
The reason for that five of the most common problems, by solving which you will learn to get pleasure from pregnant sex.
Problem 1. Hormonal explosion
Your body is experiencing the strongest hormonal explosion, which, naturally, is reflected on the sexual life. Pregnant women are not in control of his own emotions, and are subject to sharp change of mood. One of my friend during sexual arousal began to cry. And her husband rushed to console her and couldn't understand anything.
Solution of the problem. Lucidly explain to her husband that you are experiencing at this moment. After all, he at all desire can not get pregnant. And, therefore, does not know about your fears and feelings. Achieve sexual harmony is possible only if the spouses would be attentive to the psychological and physical needs of each other. For men now the most important thing is not to neglect unstable emotional state of the wife and did not respond to her often unfounded accusations. And you don't try to keep emotions in yourself, otherwise you will be a real storm of emotions. Tell her husband about all their feelings, doubts and fears. Sexual satisfaction is possible only in that case, if you completely trust the partner. Over the next nine months, your mood will be constantly changing, and every day you will receive from sex new emotions. So don't give up sex just because yesterday you didn't like it. As in the very beginning of the sexual life, looking for something that gives you the most satisfaction, but, on the contrary, it causes negative emotions.
Problem 2. Three in a bed
Significant role played by the psychological factor. Because in the bed you are no longer two, and three, and that would get used to the idea it will take time. For this reason, some men feel pregnant wife as the mother, and not as a woman. And one of my friends refusal of sex explained so: it seems to Me that the baby from the uterus constantly watching me and appreciates my behavior. And in bed I can't relax. As if having sex in public.
Solution of the problem. For anybody not a secret, that the children were not found in the cabbage. The beginning of each life gives the sexual act. It is in the presence of an adult child's immoral to have sex. And during the next nine months you with a child of a single whole. Remember the baby well only when the mother. In the moment of orgasm is a powerful energy exchange between the partners. Naturally, the fetus feels these changes, which beneficially affect a pregnant woman and at him. Scientific studies show that babies that are in the uterus, and respond to sexual games parents. Observations on ultrasound shows how the child reacts upon the mother orgasm erratic movement and rapid heartbeat. During sexual intercourse, the uterus begins to shorten and the baby for the parent orgasm - this is a kind of training before the childbirth.
Problem 3. Toxicosis
Nausea, dizziness, fatigue, too, do not contribute to the desire. In the morning you sick of just eaten Breakfast, and as soon as morning sickness passes, you want to sleep, then eat again, and in the evening you so that about anything except sleep, and doesn't want to think. Besides terribly annoying that her husband can't share with you all the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy.
Solution of the problem. Move the beds of the game at the most convenient time for you. Aren't you sick of not all of the 24 hours in a day. For the recognition of the majority of future mothers optimal time for sex - early in the morning, before Breakfast or after a NAP. Be not conformed to her husband to the detriment of their desires. The most unpleasant, if you are sick of her own husband, but with this I would like to sex. In this case, try to understand, what exactly are you annoying: Cologne, bristle, the smell of tobacco, etc. and try to eliminate the source of irritation.
Problem 4. Pregnant body
The body of a woman is changing right before our eyes: the belly becomes simply incredible size, chest becomes a painful and with the excitement of it can leak colostrum. The attempts to achieve favorite sexual positions look funny and nothing but the inconvenience is not delivered. And instead, to enjoy the caresses of her husband, you want to see it, at least, to hit.
Solution of the problem. Love your pregnant body. The change of appearance, which is so afraid of the woman, for men are more zest. Many men view of the pregnant wife of a very exciting. Stop complexes about the huge belly. You will gain weight gradually, and the husband has time to adjust to your new size. In the next nine months, you can be proud of his stomach, it is to him will be converted basic affection. Of course, as the stomach you will have to be inventive in finding convenient POS. But the diversity in sex only welcome. Pregnancy is a time of tender and slow sex without difficult acrobatic tricks. As for the chest - do not tolerate, if her husband's affection cause you pain or discomfort. Explain beloved, how to treat pregnant bust. If the excitation of the chest starts to leak colostrum - buy beautiful clothes and do not remove it in bed.
Problem 5 (basic). Sex is dangerous for the child
It is considered that the intimate life during pregnancy may provoke miscarriage or damage the unborn child. On the one hand the woman really want to do something pleasant to the husband, but on the other - the fear for the child does not give a fully relax. And instead, to enjoy life, a young mother or depriving a spouse of a full-fledged sexual life, or agrees to sex just for the sake of her husband and suffers from fear for the baby.
Solution of the problem. Pregnancy is not a disease, but a dual responsibility, and therefore caution. Therefore, some restrictions still present. Sex - it is an additional risk factor. It happens that and cope with it the body, but not thanks to, but in spite of. If a woman is healthy and normal pregnancy without complications can not refuse from a full sexual life. But it is necessary to closely monitor their feelings and when the slightest doubt consult a doctor. Don't be afraid during intercourse chance of harming the baby. It is well protected fruitful bladder and uterus, and amniotic fluid safe buffer strong quakes. You must be sure that the partner does not suffer from sexually transmitted diseases.
But to make the final decision, whether you are having sex, it can only watching your doctor. He will explain to you can or not, if it is impossible - it is only on some critical period of time or until the end of the pregnancy. If you can, then you have for themselves decide, will you do it. And if Yes - then clearly listen to your feelings after. And if after the close rise or appear pulling pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, bleeding from the sex we have to stop - and again with the doctor to understand before birth or at some time.
And if you have a pregnancy to treat high-risk category that should not only avoid sexual contacts, but also from sexual excitement.
It is necessary to refrain from sex:
in multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets) doctors, regardless of the state of health of the future mother, recommend to the 20-th week of the renunciation of the sexual life. This is due to the fact that when multiple pregnancy there is always the risk of premature birth, and sexual excitement can stimulate the generic activities;
if the uterus to constantly be on our toes. In this case, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, sexual intercourse may provoke the reduction of the uterus and premature birth;
if on the testimony of ultrasound you have the low or placenta previa - sexual intercourse may cause bleeding. In this case, doctors recommend that you avoid POS provide deep penetration of (a man from behind, woman on top, etc.);
when the bleeding or мажущих allotments, it is recommended to abstain from sexual contacts before the visit to a doctor;
if you already had miscarriages and premature births or under the threat of miscarriage, in particularly dangerous periods should refuse sex. When this are considered dangerous days of the alleged менструаций, that is, every fourth week of term (the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, etc.), and the same date of the previous miscarriages;
in any sexually transmitted diseases, as well as in cases, when the pregnancy is for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases;
for 2-3 weeks before the expected delivery date, most doctors recommend that you avoid intimacy. When sexual excitation of a woman's body produces a hormone oxytocin - stimulating reduction of the uterus. Similar action has been and the male hormone prostaglandin, contained in the seminal fluid. So the sexual act directly before delivery may cause a fight. But if a woman , and the estimated date of delivery is not begin, doctors, on the contrary, are advised to stimulate the start of labor activity with the help of sexual foreplay.
The dignity of pregnant sex
In the intimate life during pregnancy in addition to a number of problems, and there are special advantages:
finally you can fully relax and think only of the pleasure. The most favorable for sex is the second trimester of pregnancy, has already passed toxicosis, removed the threat of miscarriage, you are accustomed to his new position, but when the stomach is still not big enough and before the birth quite far away.
Only when it is necessary to remember, that pregnant women may ONLY have sex with gondom! And it is not about sexually transmitted infections. Sexual intercourse, causing micro-traumas, provokes the aggravation of the banal candidiasis, which so often exacerbated during pregnancy; the usual microbes contained in the sperm are for female genital strangers, and although not cause sexually transmitted diseases, but sometimes provoke an inflammatory process - cystitis, for example, in any case, it's an extra load on the immune system, and during pregnancy it is not needed. And sexual intercourse gives these germs directly to the cervix of the uterus, and this increases the risk of fetal infection. So during the pregnancy and not even need to protect themselves against pregnancy, but I still need more to protect themselves from infection;
already in the first weeks of pregnancy blood supply to the uterus and vagina increases dramatically. Lack of orgasm (anorgasmia) in some of the women is caused by that is a violation of the mechanism of the inflow of additional blood to the uterus and the sexual organs of excitation. Thus, the changes in the vascular system and intensive blood supply to the uterus allow women having orgasms. Moreover, immediately after intercourse, excessive outflow of blood is delayed, thereby slowing the decline of sexual tension. So that pregnant orgasm not only more frequent, but also more long on time.
If you for some reason do not want to engage in traditional sex, don't force yourself, even for the sake of her beloved husband. You now for what would give birth to a healthy and quiet of the child, need only positive emotions. But after nine months, and all will return to their seats.
But also deprive the spouse's sexual life is not worth it. It should meet not less frequently than before, because so with the birth of a baby, he will feel the underdog, not exacerbate this serious antagonism and competition. There are many ways to sexual discharge and mutual satisfaction without the traditional sexual intercourse. And the rejection of your orgasm (contractions) - this is not a torture for her husband.
Pregnancy is a special period in the life of the married couple. It is now for future parents, as never before, it is necessary to feel spiritual closeness and support each other. And often confidential conversation, tender touching and kissing bring much greater satisfaction than the traditional sexual intercourse. Tell your spouse about your feelings, together talk with the child and dream. If you can successfully get over the nine months, then your spiritual closeness will become even stronger, and the family is stronger.
More about sex during pregnancy.
Sergey and Alena fully comply with all secret and obvious aspirations of their moms and dads. Devotedly loved each other, dated for a long time, got acquainted with the parents of a friend of a friend and even wrote romantic poems. Like all the best movies about love in the middle of last century. Perhaps this contributed to the mores of a small provincial town, may be, strict upbringing of young people.
From time to time, all developed quite well. The newlyweds did not have a great intimate experience, so they enjoyed each other to the fullest. Many times Sergei came to work early, but extremely happy. Alena same for several hours told her mother about his delightful котюсике, which became for it is not just a husband, and the meaning of life.
And then the figure of Alena started to change. The girl was preparing to become a mother. When she began to increase her stomach, the attitude of Sergey to Alena began to change for the eyes. Almost completely lost sexual desire - at times he was afraid to kiss the young wife.
But especially sad girl in the same vicinity with Sergey. Wait, my daughter, everything is back, think now only about a baby, is consoled mother. But Alena felt truly abandoned. And very afraid, that Sergey in General will go to the other, slim. And I went to the doctor.
One should not be afraid of love!
It is amazing how неодинока was Alena. On his first trip to the sexopathologist she met at once with two pregnant women, who also came to complain of their cold husbands. One of these was a 25-year-old Nadia.
When in the fifth month, I had a pretty noticeable belly, I felt that the man is to me a few cooler than before, " said Hope. After some time, he admitted, that in this way I did not stir and he would refrain from intimacy. All would be nothing, but at this time I always wanted to make love.
From a specialist Alain and She learned that pregnancy does not constitute any obstacle to sexual relations. Although, of course, the official medicine believes the time of pregnancy is not the best for sex. The reason is simple - uterine contractions during orgasm like prenatal encounter. The child, on the idea, feels discomfort.
However sexopathologists say the opposite: long-term abstinence from sex contributes to the formation of a large psychological discomfort. Simply put, a woman often nervous, nervous. And after the child is inextricably linked in these months with her mother. And all the emotions, both positive and negative, it sends a daze. Recently there was a discovery has been made: the hormones of pleasure endorphins, which are produced in the moment of orgasm, give the child the pleasure !
Moreover, orgasmic contractions of the uterus are useful for a child it is the similarity of the birth pains. The child has a conditioned reflex: contractions of the uterus - the pleasure. And it means - when the real birth, the first emotion is too fun. And don't believe gynecologists, who say that sexual intercourse should stop after seven months of pregnancy! This statement is painfully reminiscent of the old people's stupidity of what a passionate guy can the child head просвербить. Firstly, it is impossible in principle, because the child is in amniotic waters. Secondly, the stimulation of the vagina and the uterus is primarily a training of muscles. Without it, children will be heavier.
How to deliver the joy of each other
The possibility and even the necessity of sex for pregnant girls like to be convinced. But how to convince the men that often'd turn up her nose of a strongly changed wives? First of all it is necessary to understand, what exactly is afraid or do not want to spouse. Maybe he's just afraid somehow harm the child or the child's future mother. In this case, good consultation of a doctor, who persuade the man in his fears, can really help the cause.
Worse, when the husband is losing interest in the body of the wife. In this case requires the assistance of a qualified sexologist, that is a specialist, which decides in the first instance psychological problems.
- Earlier I did not accept pregnant women as sex object, " says one of the patients sexologist Vadim. - A woman with a huge belly reminded me of a cow. And I don't understand how you can have sex with a woman, if she's in the belly of a child! When my wife became pregnant, I was afraid that desire at all to fail. Went to the doctor, received psychological assistance, advice. And it was different. We had sex all the time (not counting the breaks at work, sleep, food and walking). Her bosom was at this time unusually soft and gentle. Himself stomach interfered, of course, but this was offset by the fact that his wife became very sensual. Sex with a pregnant already not excited about the fact that your girlfriend can fly, and you can truly relax.
Indeed, about contraception during an intimate relationship with a pregnant can be forgotten. But more joy for a man to deliver the fact that a woman is the fruit of their feelings, the future favorite child. Which, as convince doctors, is in such moments that the same as his mother
As for women, and for men pregnant and sex differ significantly from each other. Future mothers react differently to attempts to her husband fulfill his marital obligations. Some have even greater desire and sometimes bring men to the point of exhaustion. And others try to evade its responsibilities of spouses or go on about the beloved but to all kind of show that doing you a favor.
The reason for that five of the most common problems, by solving which you will learn to get pleasure from pregnant sex.
Problem 1. Hormonal explosion
Your body is experiencing the strongest hormonal explosion, which, naturally, is reflected on the sexual life. Pregnant women are not in control of his own emotions, and are subject to sharp change of mood. One of my friend during sexual arousal began to cry. And her husband rushed to console her and couldn't understand anything.
Solution of the problem. Lucidly explain to her husband that you are experiencing at this moment. After all, he at all desire can not get pregnant. And, therefore, does not know about your fears and feelings. Achieve sexual harmony is possible only if the spouses would be attentive to the psychological and physical needs of each other. For men now the most important thing is not to neglect unstable emotional state of the wife and did not respond to her often unfounded accusations. And you don't try to keep emotions in yourself, otherwise you will be a real storm of emotions. Tell her husband about all their feelings, doubts and fears. Sexual satisfaction is possible only in that case, if you completely trust the partner. Over the next nine months, your mood will be constantly changing, and every day you will receive from sex new emotions. So don't give up sex just because yesterday you didn't like it. As in the very beginning of the sexual life, looking for something that gives you the most satisfaction, but, on the contrary, it causes negative emotions.
Problem 2. Three in a bed
Significant role played by the psychological factor. Because in the bed you are no longer two, and three, and that would get used to the idea it will take time. For this reason, some men feel pregnant wife as the mother, and not as a woman. And one of my friends refusal of sex explained so: it seems to Me that the baby from the uterus constantly watching me and appreciates my behavior. And in bed I can't relax. As if having sex in public.
Solution of the problem. For anybody not a secret, that the children were not found in the cabbage. The beginning of each life gives the sexual act. It is in the presence of an adult child's immoral to have sex. And during the next nine months you with a child of a single whole. Remember the baby well only when the mother. In the moment of orgasm is a powerful energy exchange between the partners. Naturally, the fetus feels these changes, which beneficially affect a pregnant woman and at him. Scientific studies show that babies that are in the uterus, and respond to sexual games parents. Observations on ultrasound shows how the child reacts upon the mother orgasm erratic movement and rapid heartbeat. During sexual intercourse, the uterus begins to shorten and the baby for the parent orgasm - this is a kind of training before the childbirth.
Problem 3. Toxicosis
Nausea, dizziness, fatigue, too, do not contribute to the desire. In the morning you sick of just eaten Breakfast, and as soon as morning sickness passes, you want to sleep, then eat again, and in the evening you so that about anything except sleep, and doesn't want to think. Besides terribly annoying that her husband can't share with you all the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy.
Solution of the problem. Move the beds of the game at the most convenient time for you. Aren't you sick of not all of the 24 hours in a day. For the recognition of the majority of future mothers optimal time for sex - early in the morning, before Breakfast or after a NAP. Be not conformed to her husband to the detriment of their desires. The most unpleasant, if you are sick of her own husband, but with this I would like to sex. In this case, try to understand, what exactly are you annoying: Cologne, bristle, the smell of tobacco, etc. and try to eliminate the source of irritation.
Problem 4. Pregnant body
The body of a woman is changing right before our eyes: the belly becomes simply incredible size, chest becomes a painful and with the excitement of it can leak colostrum. The attempts to achieve favorite sexual positions look funny and nothing but the inconvenience is not delivered. And instead, to enjoy the caresses of her husband, you want to see it, at least, to hit.
Solution of the problem. Love your pregnant body. The change of appearance, which is so afraid of the woman, for men are more zest. Many men view of the pregnant wife of a very exciting. Stop complexes about the huge belly. You will gain weight gradually, and the husband has time to adjust to your new size. In the next nine months, you can be proud of his stomach, it is to him will be converted basic affection. Of course, as the stomach you will have to be inventive in finding convenient POS. But the diversity in sex only welcome. Pregnancy is a time of tender and slow sex without difficult acrobatic tricks. As for the chest - do not tolerate, if her husband's affection cause you pain or discomfort. Explain beloved, how to treat pregnant bust. If the excitation of the chest starts to leak colostrum - buy beautiful clothes and do not remove it in bed.
Problem 5 (basic). Sex is dangerous for the child
It is considered that the intimate life during pregnancy may provoke miscarriage or damage the unborn child. On the one hand the woman really want to do something pleasant to the husband, but on the other - the fear for the child does not give a fully relax. And instead, to enjoy life, a young mother or depriving a spouse of a full-fledged sexual life, or agrees to sex just for the sake of her husband and suffers from fear for the baby.
Solution of the problem. Pregnancy is not a disease, but a dual responsibility, and therefore caution. Therefore, some restrictions still present. Sex - it is an additional risk factor. It happens that and cope with it the body, but not thanks to, but in spite of. If a woman is healthy and normal pregnancy without complications can not refuse from a full sexual life. But it is necessary to closely monitor their feelings and when the slightest doubt consult a doctor. Don't be afraid during intercourse chance of harming the baby. It is well protected fruitful bladder and uterus, and amniotic fluid safe buffer strong quakes. You must be sure that the partner does not suffer from sexually transmitted diseases.
But to make the final decision, whether you are having sex, it can only watching your doctor. He will explain to you can or not, if it is impossible - it is only on some critical period of time or until the end of the pregnancy. If you can, then you have for themselves decide, will you do it. And if Yes - then clearly listen to your feelings after. And if after the close rise or appear pulling pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, bleeding from the sex we have to stop - and again with the doctor to understand before birth or at some time.
And if you have a pregnancy to treat high-risk category that should not only avoid sexual contacts, but also from sexual excitement.
It is necessary to refrain from sex:
in multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets) doctors, regardless of the state of health of the future mother, recommend to the 20-th week of the renunciation of the sexual life. This is due to the fact that when multiple pregnancy there is always the risk of premature birth, and sexual excitement can stimulate the generic activities;
if the uterus to constantly be on our toes. In this case, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, sexual intercourse may provoke the reduction of the uterus and premature birth;
if on the testimony of ultrasound you have the low or placenta previa - sexual intercourse may cause bleeding. In this case, doctors recommend that you avoid POS provide deep penetration of (a man from behind, woman on top, etc.);
when the bleeding or мажущих allotments, it is recommended to abstain from sexual contacts before the visit to a doctor;
if you already had miscarriages and premature births or under the threat of miscarriage, in particularly dangerous periods should refuse sex. When this are considered dangerous days of the alleged менструаций, that is, every fourth week of term (the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, etc.), and the same date of the previous miscarriages;
in any sexually transmitted diseases, as well as in cases, when the pregnancy is for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases;
for 2-3 weeks before the expected delivery date, most doctors recommend that you avoid intimacy. When sexual excitation of a woman's body produces a hormone oxytocin - stimulating reduction of the uterus. Similar action has been and the male hormone prostaglandin, contained in the seminal fluid. So the sexual act directly before delivery may cause a fight. But if a woman , and the estimated date of delivery is not begin, doctors, on the contrary, are advised to stimulate the start of labor activity with the help of sexual foreplay.
The dignity of pregnant sex
In the intimate life during pregnancy in addition to a number of problems, and there are special advantages:
finally you can fully relax and think only of the pleasure. The most favorable for sex is the second trimester of pregnancy, has already passed toxicosis, removed the threat of miscarriage, you are accustomed to his new position, but when the stomach is still not big enough and before the birth quite far away.
Only when it is necessary to remember, that pregnant women may ONLY have sex with gondom! And it is not about sexually transmitted infections. Sexual intercourse, causing micro-traumas, provokes the aggravation of the banal candidiasis, which so often exacerbated during pregnancy; the usual microbes contained in the sperm are for female genital strangers, and although not cause sexually transmitted diseases, but sometimes provoke an inflammatory process - cystitis, for example, in any case, it's an extra load on the immune system, and during pregnancy it is not needed. And sexual intercourse gives these germs directly to the cervix of the uterus, and this increases the risk of fetal infection. So during the pregnancy and not even need to protect themselves against pregnancy, but I still need more to protect themselves from infection;
already in the first weeks of pregnancy blood supply to the uterus and vagina increases dramatically. Lack of orgasm (anorgasmia) in some of the women is caused by that is a violation of the mechanism of the inflow of additional blood to the uterus and the sexual organs of excitation. Thus, the changes in the vascular system and intensive blood supply to the uterus allow women having orgasms. Moreover, immediately after intercourse, excessive outflow of blood is delayed, thereby slowing the decline of sexual tension. So that pregnant orgasm not only more frequent, but also more long on time.
If you for some reason do not want to engage in traditional sex, don't force yourself, even for the sake of her beloved husband. You now for what would give birth to a healthy and quiet of the child, need only positive emotions. But after nine months, and all will return to their seats.
But also deprive the spouse's sexual life is not worth it. It should meet not less frequently than before, because so with the birth of a baby, he will feel the underdog, not exacerbate this serious antagonism and competition. There are many ways to sexual discharge and mutual satisfaction without the traditional sexual intercourse. And the rejection of your orgasm (contractions) - this is not a torture for her husband.
Pregnancy is a special period in the life of the married couple. It is now for future parents, as never before, it is necessary to feel spiritual closeness and support each other. And often confidential conversation, tender touching and kissing bring much greater satisfaction than the traditional sexual intercourse. Tell your spouse about your feelings, together talk with the child and dream. If you can successfully get over the nine months, then your spiritual closeness will become even stronger, and the family is stronger.
More about sex during pregnancy.
Sergey and Alena fully comply with all secret and obvious aspirations of their moms and dads. Devotedly loved each other, dated for a long time, got acquainted with the parents of a friend of a friend and even wrote romantic poems. Like all the best movies about love in the middle of last century. Perhaps this contributed to the mores of a small provincial town, may be, strict upbringing of young people.
From time to time, all developed quite well. The newlyweds did not have a great intimate experience, so they enjoyed each other to the fullest. Many times Sergei came to work early, but extremely happy. Alena same for several hours told her mother about his delightful котюсике, which became for it is not just a husband, and the meaning of life.
And then the figure of Alena started to change. The girl was preparing to become a mother. When she began to increase her stomach, the attitude of Sergey to Alena began to change for the eyes. Almost completely lost sexual desire - at times he was afraid to kiss the young wife.
But especially sad girl in the same vicinity with Sergey. Wait, my daughter, everything is back, think now only about a baby, is consoled mother. But Alena felt truly abandoned. And very afraid, that Sergey in General will go to the other, slim. And I went to the doctor.
One should not be afraid of love!
It is amazing how неодинока was Alena. On his first trip to the sexopathologist she met at once with two pregnant women, who also came to complain of their cold husbands. One of these was a 25-year-old Nadia.
When in the fifth month, I had a pretty noticeable belly, I felt that the man is to me a few cooler than before, " said Hope. After some time, he admitted, that in this way I did not stir and he would refrain from intimacy. All would be nothing, but at this time I always wanted to make love.
From a specialist Alain and She learned that pregnancy does not constitute any obstacle to sexual relations. Although, of course, the official medicine believes the time of pregnancy is not the best for sex. The reason is simple - uterine contractions during orgasm like prenatal encounter. The child, on the idea, feels discomfort.
However sexopathologists say the opposite: long-term abstinence from sex contributes to the formation of a large psychological discomfort. Simply put, a woman often nervous, nervous. And after the child is inextricably linked in these months with her mother. And all the emotions, both positive and negative, it sends a daze. Recently there was a discovery has been made: the hormones of pleasure endorphins, which are produced in the moment of orgasm, give the child the pleasure !
Moreover, orgasmic contractions of the uterus are useful for a child it is the similarity of the birth pains. The child has a conditioned reflex: contractions of the uterus - the pleasure. And it means - when the real birth, the first emotion is too fun. And don't believe gynecologists, who say that sexual intercourse should stop after seven months of pregnancy! This statement is painfully reminiscent of the old people's stupidity of what a passionate guy can the child head просвербить. Firstly, it is impossible in principle, because the child is in amniotic waters. Secondly, the stimulation of the vagina and the uterus is primarily a training of muscles. Without it, children will be heavier.
How to deliver the joy of each other
The possibility and even the necessity of sex for pregnant girls like to be convinced. But how to convince the men that often'd turn up her nose of a strongly changed wives? First of all it is necessary to understand, what exactly is afraid or do not want to spouse. Maybe he's just afraid somehow harm the child or the child's future mother. In this case, good consultation of a doctor, who persuade the man in his fears, can really help the cause.
Worse, when the husband is losing interest in the body of the wife. In this case requires the assistance of a qualified sexologist, that is a specialist, which decides in the first instance psychological problems.
- Earlier I did not accept pregnant women as sex object, " says one of the patients sexologist Vadim. - A woman with a huge belly reminded me of a cow. And I don't understand how you can have sex with a woman, if she's in the belly of a child! When my wife became pregnant, I was afraid that desire at all to fail. Went to the doctor, received psychological assistance, advice. And it was different. We had sex all the time (not counting the breaks at work, sleep, food and walking). Her bosom was at this time unusually soft and gentle. Himself stomach interfered, of course, but this was offset by the fact that his wife became very sensual. Sex with a pregnant already not excited about the fact that your girlfriend can fly, and you can truly relax.
Indeed, about contraception during an intimate relationship with a pregnant can be forgotten. But more joy for a man to deliver the fact that a woman is the fruit of their feelings, the future favorite child. Which, as convince doctors, is in such moments that the same as his mother
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Rồi chuyện xảy ra khiến cho tình cảm vợ chồng tôi rạn nứt. Một phần lỗi cũng là do tôi khi hôm đó, tôi có lên mạng tâm Cách xài remote máy lạnh mitsubishisự với cậu bạn thân hồi cấp 3 về tình cảnh gia đình mình, chẳng may chồng tôi đi qua đọc được. Anh đã cáu kỉnh, thậm chí là chửi bới tôi, nói rằng tôi là loại đàn bà lắm chuyện. Anh còn nói “bầu bí mà tình tứ gớm nhỉ, chưa gì đã hỏi ý kiến thằng khác về cuộc sống của mình”.
ОтветитьУдалитьTôi đã giải thích với làm gì khi có thai ngoài ý muốnanh rất nhiều, nhưng anh nói “nó bảo cô là nếu chồng bỏ thì nó sẽ rước cô về còn gì”. Đúng là cậu bạn có nói vậy, nhưng cậu ta chỉ đùa để động viên tôi, chứ cậu ta hoàn toàn không có ý như anh chong ngoai tinh nen lam ginghĩ. Và thế là chồng tôi thay đổi hẳn, anh thường xuyên gây gổ, đánh đập dù tôi đang mang bầu.
Cũng từ hôm đó, chồng tôi chẳng quan tâm tới sinh hoạt của vợ con. Anh đi làm không đưa lương về cho vợ, thậm chí còn bị ngộ độc thức ăn nên uống gìbồ bịch lăng nhăng như trước đây. Chuyện anh có bồ tất cả mọi người đều biết, ai cũng lên án trách móc, thậm chí địa điểm đi chơi ngày valentinecó người còn khuyên tôi nên bỏ người chồng như anh đi. Biết chuyện tôi buồn lắm, tôi thật sự không ngờ anh lại như thế. Cũng quán cafe sân vườn đẹp ở quận 2vì gần đến ngày sinh, muốn con ra đời có cha đàng hoàng, tôi đã gọi điện và gặp cô gái đó.
Tôi đã thẳng thắn cách làm chè khúc bạchnói với cô ta rằng chuyện tới nước này rồi, tôi sẵn sàng nhường chồng cho cô ta. Trước bộ dạng của tôi, cô gái đó không nói gì nhiều mà hứa sẽ không gặp chồng tôi nữa. Vấn đề lúc này nằm ở chồng tôi, anh biết chuyện anh chửi mắng tôi. cách làm bánh flan sữa đặcThậm chí anh còn ra nhà cô kia cầu xin đừng bỏ anh. Giận quá, tôi nói nếu anh thích bồ bịch thì ly hôn, anh chỉ thẳng vào mặt tôi nói “Khi nào cô sinh xong tôi sẽ ly hôn, cho cô nuôi cả 3 đứa con cho sướng”.
Giờ tôi cảm thấy đau đớn vô cùng, tôi không biết phải làm sao với người chồng như anh nữa. Tôi không biết mình sẽ phải chống chọi với những ngày tiếp theo như thế nào? Tôi thật sự thương 3 đứa con của tôi, nó còn nhỏ nhưng không có cha thì khổ lắm. Liệu tôi có nên tiếp tục cầu xin anh quay lại hay không mọi người ơi?
Looky here
ОтветитьУдалить(that's all you need
to live a long life):
The more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you.
-the Infant Jesus of Prague
(<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)
trustNjesus, dood,
and wiseabove to Seventh-Heaven...
cuz the other realm aint too cool.
God bless your indelible soul.
Looky here
ОтветитьУдалить(that's all you need
to live a long life):
The more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you.
-the Infant Jesus of Prague
(<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)
trustNjesus, dood,
and wiseabove to Seventh-Heaven...
cuz the other realm aint too cool.
God bless your indelible soul.
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