понедельник, 12 ноября 2012 г.

How to make the waist beautiful

You every day more and more difficult to find his waist, then she hid under the excess weight, that appeared on the site of the former or future elegant figure. Many doctors are related strictly to the lack of. They call it the abdominal obesity, which increases the risk of developing hypertension, diabetes. But the fat around the waist can be easily removed by using a proper diet and exercise.


Do not use harsh diets. It is proved that the discarded by means of diets weight comes back. So go to a nutritionist and review your diet. Strictly limit yourself is not worth it, but the right choice in the products you need. Daily eat fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of fluids (green tea, pure water), a portion of protein (200 grams of fish or meat), a couple of servings of cereals or beans and salad during each meal. Eating should be a little five times a day. With time the power supply will be for you a usual and normal metabolism, and, of course, and will go the extra weight.

воскресенье, 11 ноября 2012 г.

Highlights of short hair

Highlights hair cap is considered a classic. It is also called "highlights feathers". Although the highlights through the cap and "feathers" are the differences are only in Russian, in English - it all has the same name. Roughly speaking, one and the other, creates the effect of feathers, the difference is only in the technique of execution. Through a cap better to do it highlights only for short fine hair. Strands are obtained thin, will pick and without the blond hair, but the color is a shade lighter and it will create a volume. It is recommended that the blondes.

The METHOD for PERFORMING Highlights CAP of the house (or in the passenger compartment):

 Make the highlights on the cap of the house without the aid is extremely difficult, though not impossible. If You have not found the assistant, then you need to sit down between two mirrors so that both hands were free, and also to be able to see the whole head. With the assistant all the easier it will be necessary only to explain how frequent and thin must be strands.

среда, 7 ноября 2012 г.

The behavior of changing the men.

How to catch a husband for treason?

That, my husband left to go? Don't know, happy that you or hurt, but you're not the only one who changes spouse. How many poor women suffer from this, if you knew! You want to make sure that you really change? Convincing.

The behavior of men, who changes his little wife, not ashamed of his action:
Man is not talkative. Or - less talkative. This is, in principle, not one and too. You see the changes immediately. He will be like a shadow, furniture, or on anything that is silent and can't talk. The comparison is strong. But it reflects the essence.
The man turns into a prickly and unrestrained. He can «explode» in absolutely any occasion. Even then, when you're nice smarten up a mirror to him the same and like it.
The man began to pick up your mobile, even in the toilet! You remember, that before he did that. He left the cell on the table or somewhere else, but the phone was turned on, and not abandoned frightened glances of her husband.

What to do when the husband is cheating?

We were married just a week and a half ago. I was so happy! But he destroyed my happiness. As long as there's a half. Well, I'm still not came unglued. And so depressive lady. And not without reason, by the way....

Husband is cheating. As I found out about this? Easy! Looked into his cell phone. There I found a message.... «hi! Meet in the billiard-room. Send smack Katyusha. A whole, wait for us! Vova and Andrey». His hands shook when I read this message. I dropped the phone and ran crying in the bathroom. I calmed all: a mother, a sister, yourself man. And that comfort, when I myself have seen it all? Vision deceive me could not. Him-then it is certainly not necessary!

The thing is that my husband and I have work schedules do not always coincide. And then, when they do not coincide, Andrey goes for a walk with a Brother. I do not like what they communicate, though Vova - his cousin. Recently Vova lost in the casino of your car. And his mother a loan now pays. I'm afraid, that and mix it all «involved». The more I'm afraid of what he was really with the other girls walking. Why was it then to marry me? My mother protects it, but I can't agree with them. The mother says: «wouldn't have married him for you, if you walk would want to»». Do ye not understand my mother, and that married men are walking. A stamp in the passport is nothing for many. And I'm very shore of the fact that there are now at me in the document.

среда, 17 октября 2012 г.

How not to behave with men.

To maintain warm relations with any man, women should not do the following:

1. Constantly talk about anything.

Men can not stand when their companion manages to talk a lot and there was nothing to say on the merits, and when she talks about is the immediate consequence. They weren't interested in the details of your trip to the маникюрше and what color nail Polish you eventually chose to. It will seem strange, but such talk may deprive a man of respect for you. There is little that can push a man as quickly as incoherent and confused speech.

2.Zastavit him feel guilty.

If he made a mistake, not saw him for it for years. The feeling of guilt will push him to stop loving. Encourage the good that he does in your.
3. Frankly manipulate them.He just hate you, when you realize that you often manipulate his feelings in order to get him to do something.
4 Too early to acquaint him with all their relatives and friends.

How like a man?

 How like a man? The answer to this question is not so complicated. Simply, you have to stand in somebody else's point of view, after this thought possible flow you have one for the other.
        Well, to make it easier to meditate, I suggest you a few points to think about how to please a man. Is it possible to say obvious things by which we may come sometimes to not absolutely obvious things.

 Firstly, the question is, how like a man? Obvious, isn't it? Where is it written that it was necessary to please the other women, girls, friends? No, it was not written.
       However, when it comes to the real actions, which should lead to please man, it is almost always the woman begins to act on the assumption that a man like the same thing, and that she herself, her friends and acquaintances women. About men think in the last place, although sometimes this goal declared as the most-the most important. We sort of do everything in order to please the man and keep a man.
      For example, a girl/woman is very like a man and she wants to make a good impression on him, and later marry him. Great desire. Now let's see how it is embodied in life. Not in conversations with friends, that: «I am ready for anything, I so love him, the team at the end of the world for him to go and live with the beloved in a tent».

вторник, 9 октября 2012 г.

Exercises for a beautiful and elastic chest

 The form of the breast difficult to change something without surgical intervention. However, something can still be done to ensure that the chest was beautiful and elastic. The proposed exercises will help you with this.
If you want to so that her Breasts looked beautiful, the need to train the upper part of the body - not only the muscles of the chest, but also hands and a girdle. For that is best suited dumbbells weighing 2 kg . Do you need every day. During the first week do exercise in 10 - 15 times, then gradually increase the number of repetitions, the weight of the dumbbells leave unchanged.
 1.Stand up on her knees forward, put one leg, the housing with a straight back bring forward. Holding the dumbbells, plant hand in hand, then take them in front of him. Legs change.

 2.Stand up straight, feet wider than shoulders. Keep hands with dumbbells at the level of the chest and squeezing them one against the other. Overcoming the resistance, push one hand, the other from side to side.