среда, 17 октября 2012 г.

How not to behave with men.

To maintain warm relations with any man, women should not do the following:

1. Constantly talk about anything.

Men can not stand when their companion manages to talk a lot and there was nothing to say on the merits, and when she talks about is the immediate consequence. They weren't interested in the details of your trip to the маникюрше and what color nail Polish you eventually chose to. It will seem strange, but such talk may deprive a man of respect for you. There is little that can push a man as quickly as incoherent and confused speech.

2.Zastavit him feel guilty.

If he made a mistake, not saw him for it for years. The feeling of guilt will push him to stop loving. Encourage the good that he does in your.
3. Frankly manipulate them.He just hate you, when you realize that you often manipulate his feelings in order to get him to do something.
4 Too early to acquaint him with all their relatives and friends.

How like a man?

 How like a man? The answer to this question is not so complicated. Simply, you have to stand in somebody else's point of view, after this thought possible flow you have one for the other.
        Well, to make it easier to meditate, I suggest you a few points to think about how to please a man. Is it possible to say obvious things by which we may come sometimes to not absolutely obvious things.

 Firstly, the question is, how like a man? Obvious, isn't it? Where is it written that it was necessary to please the other women, girls, friends? No, it was not written.
       However, when it comes to the real actions, which should lead to please man, it is almost always the woman begins to act on the assumption that a man like the same thing, and that she herself, her friends and acquaintances women. About men think in the last place, although sometimes this goal declared as the most-the most important. We sort of do everything in order to please the man and keep a man.
      For example, a girl/woman is very like a man and she wants to make a good impression on him, and later marry him. Great desire. Now let's see how it is embodied in life. Not in conversations with friends, that: «I am ready for anything, I so love him, the team at the end of the world for him to go and live with the beloved in a tent».

вторник, 9 октября 2012 г.

Exercises for a beautiful and elastic chest

 The form of the breast difficult to change something without surgical intervention. However, something can still be done to ensure that the chest was beautiful and elastic. The proposed exercises will help you with this.
If you want to so that her Breasts looked beautiful, the need to train the upper part of the body - not only the muscles of the chest, but also hands and a girdle. For that is best suited dumbbells weighing 2 kg . Do you need every day. During the first week do exercise in 10 - 15 times, then gradually increase the number of repetitions, the weight of the dumbbells leave unchanged.
 1.Stand up on her knees forward, put one leg, the housing with a straight back bring forward. Holding the dumbbells, plant hand in hand, then take them in front of him. Legs change.

 2.Stand up straight, feet wider than shoulders. Keep hands with dumbbells at the level of the chest and squeezing them one against the other. Overcoming the resistance, push one hand, the other from side to side.

Exercises for weight loss stomach, and legs

Many women seeking to lose weight, wear themselves endless diets and, nevertheless, with discontent look at themselves in the mirror. Diet is not always the way to go. Sometimes, in order to lose weight, you need to perform physical exercises. Exercises to lose weight at home is exactly what you need all owners of extra pounds, desperate to bring themselves into shape with the help of food restrictions.

The exercises will be useful not only full of women, but also wishing to just slightly «tighten» the problem areas of the figure. It is very important that exercises for the legs and stomach were carried out on a daily basis. As they say, the movement is life, so lazy not worth it. It is best to do the exercises in the morning.
Complex of gymnastic exercises for weight loss

The simplest are walking on the spot.
 Be careful with this as high as possible to raise his knees. Watch your breath - the breath we do the first four steps, on the way out " for the next four, and so on.

As emphasized tan makeup

 You come back from vacation with a gorgeous tan. And, of course, thinking: how to highlight the tan. By the way, if you have a bronze shade a little walk, make skin even tan with a tanning or powder-бронзанта.

So, how does stress tan makeup? The tanned skin looks great makeup nude, made in bright contrasting colours or pastel shades of shadow and lipstick. Here, and look at the first option - bright contrasting shades. Many women think that it would be vulgar, but we will prove the opposite. Take bright shades of blue shadows.

1. Trendsetters

Hide corrector dark circles under the eyes, as well as redness (if there is) around the wings of the nose. Is applied to the skin cream tones, the tone should be like the color of your sun. He is distributed to massage lines, that is, from the center of the face to the edges.

2. Create the contour of the eye

Take a pencil of dark-blue color. Pencil on the ciliary contour of the circle eye. The inner corner of the narrow line, and to the outside corner of make more thick. To circuit looked naturally, a bit of a feather it.

As to preserve the beauty of the breast

You 20 years? Your beauty is in the Prime of life! Your Breasts are perfect, elastic and pleases you and those around him by his appearance. To preserve this form, you have to take care of the chest already at this age.

The three most important enemy of the breast is a tan, all public and increase or decrease your weight.

Many of the girls in this age group in pursuit of a beautiful tan out under the rays of the sun a lot of time, and the Baring not only traditional tanning parts of the body, but, and mammary glands. Doing this is not recommended. The ultraviolet rays have a negative impact on the connective tissue of the breast, devastate the vessels that violate the process of updating the tissues, the skin is aging faster. Therefore it is applicable to the chest hide from direct sunlight, and if all the same sunbathe Topless, then be sure to use a sunscreen with a high level of protection.

Weight change in any direction - one of the main enemies for the breast. When increasing or decreasing the weight 1 kilogram of changes accordingly weight of the Breasts to 20 grams. Especially dangerous in this respect diet. With the dramatic decline in the weight of the weight of the Breasts also sharply reduced, the breast is reduced and the slack. For example, lost weight by 5 pounds, the weight of the Breasts, respectively reduced to 100 grams. If we take into account that the average weight of a mammary gland is about 400 grams, then, agree, 100 grams - it is a substantial figure.

Diet with the help of potato

Many of the woman suffering the same problem - from excess weight. And to lose a few pounds, you can use the normal potatoes, which are rich in potassium and displays from the body of excess fluid. Therefore to each of your weekend can sit on a diet.

                With the help of the potato diet you can throw two pounds in three days. The potatoes on the view though, and the ugly, but useful and tasty. It contains almost no fat and low in calories. Potatoes preferably cooked in their skins, so she did not lose a lot of important elements for the body. To potato diet you can add the cheese, rich in calcium. Cottage cheese can be mixed with mineral water to cream status. If you подсаливать it, don't get carried away. Salt prevents the removal of the liquid. The cheese can add spicy greens.

                Potatoes are rich product, so you will not starve. But there is one exception - the power monotonous. But potatoes provides the body with many nutrients.