Here are a few of the exercises:
1. The diamond. Take position: stand up straight, feet, put on the width of the shoulders. Before a hand closed in a circle. Elbows kept high, the tips of his fingers . Do a breathing exercise: draw in the stomach, take the primary position. Main position: strong leaned his fingers in each other. Hold the voltage of up to 8. Release the breath. Perform 3-5 times.
2. Seiko. Take position: stand with an emphasis on hands and knees. Straighten your right leg to the side (to the body at a right angle), bend it. Right foot left on the floor. Do a breathing exercise: hold breath, draw in the stomach, take the primary position. Main position: lift his leg to the level of the hips and pull forward, in the direction of the head. Leg is straight. Maintain this pose to 8. Release the breath and the lower the leg. Perform 3 times each leg.
3. Pretzel. Start position: sit down on the floor, cross our legs (right foot over the left). To put his right hand behind his back, and left to take himself for his right knee. Do a breathing exercise: draw in the stomach and accept the primary position. Main position: weight falls on the right hand. The left hand tighten right knee up, the body is bent at the waist to the right until you can see ago. Linger in this position up to 8. Release the breath, take the starting position. Repeat 3-5 times.
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