If you do not have extra pounds, but my stomach still looks horrible. Everything is clear: the skin on the abdomen of the lost tone. To restore the elasticity and smoothness, will have to exert a lot of effort.
Be sure to turn on the menu at its protein products as animal origin (fish and meat) and plant (soy and legumes). The products quickly drew the skin, and подкачаются muscles. Provide yourself with all the necessary vitamins: C - a growing development of collagen (parsley, kiwifruit, citrus fruit, sweet peppers), E - strengthening of the cell membrane (liver, nuts, egg yolks, spinach). Also add the menu fatty fish and vegetable oils. From early fading protect selenium (olives, buckwheat and oatmeal, sea cabbage), zinc (mushrooms, herring, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and legumes), beta-carotene (green lettuce, vegetables and fruit orange color).
Tighten the skin on the abdomen can help simple exercises for the press, if there is no excess weight. Exercises are performed on a daily basis. Just three times a day for 5 minutes. After 3 weeks you will be seeing, as the abdomen becomes flat, and the waist in a month thinner. During upswings of the torso and the legs of the press keep in constant tension, try to work out completely. And the result of the get in that case, if you make 20 approaches qualitatively than 10 just for the sake of appearances. Be sure to during and after the exercises, drink water, because the liquid restores elasticity.
Massage better use of the hardware. It is most effective for the skin. Massage stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. In the salon you will be able to select the devices, which combine any one technique. Infrared rays and radio waves plus massage is an excellent way to warm up the dermis, as a result of which the cells will begin a quick update.
Use the cream for strengthening the skin and lifting. To make smooth the epidermis, you can apply a cream with salicylic acid and protein soy. And the cream with the addition of caffeine, reduce the fat cells, which stretch the skin inside.
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