Many women seeking to lose weight, wear themselves endless diets and, nevertheless, with discontent look at themselves in the mirror. Diet is not always the way to go. Sometimes, in order to lose weight, you need to perform physical exercises. Exercises to lose weight at home is exactly what you need all owners of extra pounds, desperate to bring themselves into shape with the help of food restrictions.
The exercises will be useful not only full of women, but also wishing to just slightly «tighten» the problem areas of the figure. It is very important that exercises for the legs and stomach were carried out on a daily basis. As they say, the movement is life, so lazy not worth it. It is best to do the exercises in the morning.
Complex of gymnastic exercises for weight loss
The simplest are walking on the spot.
Be careful with this as high as possible to raise his knees. Watch your breath - the breath we do the first four steps, on the way out " for the next four, and so on.