понедельник, 1 октября 2012 г.

Essential oils can return to the youth of the skin


The essential oil of rose is considered to be valuable because of the rose has a strong anti-aging effect, improves the synthesis of elastin and collagen, smooths wrinkles. Pink aromatic oil is an aphrodisiac, emphasizes women's attractiveness, returns the youth of the skin. 

Massage mixture: 55 ml avocado, 55 ml wheat germ, 55 ml jojoba, 25 drops of incense, 25 drops of rose, 25 drops of neroli.

2. Tea tree

Oil of tea tree contains anti-virus, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial components. It good on acne. Tea tree excellent cares about the problem and oily skin, therefore, is added to many masks and creams.

For problem skin bath: 8 drops of tea tree, 4 litres of hot water, 4 drops of mint.

3. Sandalwood

Problems when using cosmetics.

Content of chemical substances in cosmetics, may have an adverse effect on the skin. In the area of the skin of the face and head, often skin reactions, caused by the use of cosmetics. The excessive use of cosmetics can also influence or even damage the skin, not working as it should.

Chemicals in cosmetics, can cause:

Allergic reactions:

If someone have some sort of experience in the reactions to cosmetics, he knows that the skin becomes red, itching or at all may tumor. The affected areas (especially the eyes and ears, as well as the neck, armpit) when using deodorant can also unpleasant to respond to cosmetics.

The initial reaction of the stimulus:

After using cosmetics on the place of application may appear red spots, rash, sometimes even blisters. In such cases, please wash away all the makeup and immediately go to a dermatologist. In such situations do not try to disguise the damaged areas of cosmetics.

How to beautiful walk

The ability to beautifully walk makes a woman a slimmer and visually above. But unfortunately, many women are completely draw your attention to the way they walk, they have a gait. Some people go small steps, others on the contrary make big steps, that makes the kind of heavy gait, and the third раскачивающая gait, resembling the gait of seafarers, and the fourth - with bent knees because of high heels.

                And how beautiful to walk? Beautiful gait - this is when the foot with the toe out, the steps are of medium length and start from the hips, lower back a little forward, smart stomach, back be sure to direct and not tense, raised his head. The steps foot разгибается in the knee, first the heel is placed on the ground, and then to all the heel and toe, repulsion and then tap his feet forward. The gait should be a light, slightly giving forward torso.

                Walk with your head down, heavy steps and bent over, looks ugly, and shows lack of confidence in themselves and vital passivity.

                The ability to beautiful to walk in the first place depends on how you hold back and head, as a foot, how to move your hands and body, as well as a Shoe - convenient or not, wearing whether according to the season. Very narrow shoes makes walking painful, changes visually foot, on a flat-soled shoes - casual and sprawling. Therefore, make your choice in the shoes of the average heel. Walk through this bot will be a light, energetic and spring.

As on his stomach tighten the skin

As on his stomach tighten the skin
 If you do not have extra pounds, but my stomach still looks horrible. Everything is clear: the skin on the abdomen of the lost tone. To restore the elasticity and smoothness, will have to exert a lot of effort.


Be sure to turn on the menu at its protein products as animal origin (fish and meat) and plant (soy and legumes). The products quickly drew the skin, and подкачаются muscles. Provide yourself with all the necessary vitamins: C - a growing development of collagen (parsley, kiwifruit, citrus fruit, sweet peppers), E - strengthening of the cell membrane (liver, nuts, egg yolks, spinach). Also add the menu fatty fish and vegetable oils. From early fading protect selenium (olives, buckwheat and oatmeal, sea cabbage), zinc (mushrooms, herring, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and legumes), beta-carotene (green lettuce, vegetables and fruit orange color).

суббота, 29 сентября 2012 г.

Exercises for the face oval.

Loss of face oval leads to the development of the second chin. Unfortunately, we in the course of the day are a lot of time with my head down, for example, are preparing to eat, watch TV, sit at the computer. The muscles of the jaw in these cases relaxed. And how many loved before bedtime reading, and while lying on a high pillow. Familiar? If you're not doing that, then that's fine. In the future you say yourself but thanks. But now, if you know this, then start our efforts to restore the line of his chin.

Exercise 1

The back of his hand set under the chin, in the teeth clenched. The tip of her tongue push with a force to the top of the sky approximately at a distance from the teeth up to 1.5 cm. The rear side of the palm should feel the movements of the подбородочно-sublingual muscles. Muscle when it resists such a movement and presses on the chin, to enhance the effect of the exercises. On two accounts - voltage, further relaxation. Say up to twenty times.

Exercise 2

To start learning how to lower a little corner of the mouth down. If you have not once did it, then you lose muscle, which lowers the corners of his mouth. Arm gently woven into the corners of his mouth, and then fan falls down and have a good is attached to the bones of the lower jaw. The weakening of muscles leads to a distortion of the face oval.

How to get rid of a double chin

 We often go out or sit at the computer, keeping his head down, or for any other reason we have his head down. All this leads to double chin or even to triple.

The appearance of a double chin caused by the weakened tissue of the skin, which with age can not control fat in the chin area. Sometimes violated the oval of the face. Excessive weight with no proper nutrition also lead to this problem. But everything is solved!

If you previously did not care about his chin, then you now need in high gear a bit and restore the old form. Daily follow simple rules, such as the application of nourishing cream on the skin, while slowly and rhythmically tapping his chin with the back of his hand in the direction of the Central line to the ears.

Often when a double chin can be observed sluggishness of the face and neck skin, sagging cheeks, so you should carry out special exercises, and regularly. The main thing is not to be idle and do not forget. After all, one of makeup is indispensable, therefore, exercises are necessary.

Now, remember a few of the exercises and do them regularly.

Self-massage of the face

Self-massage of the same is a great tool, as and massage. He has a positive effect on the skin, muscles and blood vessels. With the help of doing self massage can be eliminated swelling of the face, smooth skin.

                Training on самомассажу, you will be able to properly applied the cream and not only, as in the everyday performance-a for wrinkles and prevent new ones.

In the absence of contraindications (purulent diseases of the skin) self-massage can be done daily in the evening. If you have the time - and in the morning. Before the procedure, you should clean the skin and moisten it, and during the " add a nourishing cream. If you have dry skin, make pre-hot compress (for acceleration of the process of absorption of the cream). Although I do not remember, all the movements of doing self massage, perform it in front of a mirror. Take a comfortable position, open neck muscles of the face and neck relaxed, as set his jaw. Apply the cream on his fingers and start the procedure. Movement perform without the use of force and voltage. The procedure should be fun. All movements are performed in the 3rd round, the repetitions of from 1 up to 3 times (at your discretion).